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Hello and welcome to my site.  I hope that you will find what you are looking for here, and that you will enjoy reading the novels as much as I enjoy writing them.  Allow me to take you on a journey into the darkness of Africa, and bring you face to face with the superstitions and demons that walk the night.  Let my imagination transport you into another world, and take you into the dark  recess of a demented mind... and I am not talking about mine.


Enjoy your visit, and come again.  Let me know your reaction to my work, and thank you for stopping by.





My New favorite Author


Today I sit down and write about some of my favorite Authors. Of course there are the very well known and popular Authors out there; such as Brandon Mull (Fable Haven series) Cassandre Clare, Kami Garcia of course!! But there has been a new addition to my all time FAVORITE Authors...

Since I have taken that scary leap into self publishing and networking I have come across a few very genuine and lovable Self Published Authors like myself. On the top of that list is Mr. Paul Zunckel. His writing is both terrifying and beautiful to say the least. As he resides in South Africa his stories are set in the African bush. What a mirror image of his writings!! Beautiful and yet terrifying. Mr. Zunckel has brought forth some of the best new characters to date. As with Mr. Brandon Mull the characters you can fall in love with grow attached to and feel like they are apart of your family each time you read a new tale. He makes you worry for them, feel pride in them when they over come the challenges set before them, I could go on but I will stop there. As I stated before the stories are great! A good author will make you enjoy a good story but a GREAT Author will draw you in and leave his/her mark on you for the rest of your life. Mr. Zunckel has done just that, and if you take one moment to read his works you may find yourself agreeing with my assessment. Mr. Zunckel is a GoodReads author and you can find his works  on Goodreads along with my reviews of his works. 


Soon to be released



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